Friday, July 1, 2005

Why I gave my ass to science.

As you probably know, you can opt to be an organ donor when you get your license in most states. In this state you have to sign a special form that says what you want donated, what types of organizations can use your organs, and some other stuff. There's a series of checkboxes that say "purposes my body cannot be used for: therapy, education, science". If you check all of those boxes, your body goes back to your relatives.

The older I get, the more I feel that traditional burials and even cremation are a waste of resources. When I was little I didn't like the idea of cremation because I didn't want to be burned. As I got older, I realized that this doesn't matter because I am going to be dead. I further realized that burial wastes a good couple of trees and a fuckton of money. So, I went for the idea of cremation and having my ashes spread somewhere interesting. But then someone would have to pay $50 for a cardboard box to be burned with me, which is a waste of money and trees, and $200 for a silver pimp cup to put my ashes in, which is a colossal waste of money if the ashes are just going to get spread somewhere anyways.

So I looked at these checkboxes and thought, "I hate the idea of soemone wasting trees and money just because I died, and hopefully I will outlive any family members who would really like to bury me." My husband wouldn't care about what happened to my body as he's never been a fan of ceremony for the sake of ceremony. The only people who would care are my parents and maybe my dad's sister. Even if I don't outlive them, it's not like they couldn't still have a ceremony honoring me even if there was no body. I'm not a big fan of funerals or ceremonies either, but if it would make the family feel better, then who am I to stop them--I'll be dead anyways. However, I think the best way for someone to honor me whether I am alive or dead is to help others and pass on my knowledge to others. In that spirit, I feel that if some scientists, or students, or whomever can learn something from my body after I'm gone, then why the hell shouldn't I give it to them? I'm all about helping and educating, so why shouldn't I continue the tradition after I'm dead?

So I left the checkboxes blank, thereby giving the students, scientists and residents of Idaho the greatest gift I possibly could: my ass. My dead ass to be precise.

This statement brings to mind hilarious images of Dave Foley showing up at Kevin Mcdonald's door in a grey suit with a silver platter and a big grin on his face saying "I have a very special present for you." "What is it?" Dave would lift the cover and grin insanely and say "it's an ass... A dead person's ass!" hilarity would ensue.

Sadly, I don't think the donation of my ass will be quite so dramatic or humorous, but at least it could help somebody.

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