Friday, July 22, 2005

i'm busy

I haven't been updating much these days and I *think* it has something to do with the new job. I have less free time, and most of my brain power is spent cracking on these cases. In case any of you don't know or have forgotten, I am a social worker. For this particular job, I will be working mostly with adults (to start with anyways) with mental health issues. The way the state of Idaho works, adults have to have specific diagnoses and be more severe than kids. Let me tell you that things like conduct disorder and adhd don't hold a candle to things like paranoid schizophrenia in difficulty. Mind you, conduct disorder means the person has horrendous behavior, but they are generally in touch with the same world we are. Kids who break every fucking rule in the book I can understand in an odd sort of way. It might be like beating your head against a wall to get them to stop, but it really boils down to a kid who doesn't cope well with our world due to various reasons.
People with paranoia live in a world where the simplest thing becomes interpreted in ways you wouldn't believe. It's not like beating your head against a wall to get them to listen to you, it's more like navigating a complex web of laser trips with bombs attatched to them while flying in a VIPIR with no map and a blindfold over your eyes just to get them to feel that you are friendly and not threatening. I had someone be very afraid i didn't like them because I had to go to another appointment. This may not seem completely odd, but under the circumstances it was pretty out in left field.
I shouldn't say anymore about specific clients, but, holy shit does paranoid schizophrenia take the cake on wierd ass things that happen to people's brains.

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