Friday, July 1, 2005


There's alot of things in life that I almost didn't do, and I look back and go "what would my life be without this?". A Prime example is the dance school I go to now. There are two dance schools in the immediate area I'm in and I went to the first recital and wasn't as impressed as I had hoped to be. So, I wasn't too enthusiastic about the prospect of dancing in this area. There was another school that had a recital a few days later, and I thought about going, but I was tired and didn't want to go out, etc. My husband encouraged me to go, and I came back grinning from ear to ear. I said to myself "I *have* to go here". I was telling my mom excitedly about all of this and she said "do they have adults?". I said "they're about to whether they like it or not."
I've been to about three classes there at this point, and I love it. I wouldn't go anywhere else. I officially learned how to do a layout for the first time in my life tuesday. And it all could've been lost if I had chosen to stay home and assumed that this school was probably about the same as the other school.

The other "almost" that still blows my mind is that my husband and I almost never dated. It was more an issue of circumstance than apathy, but If either one of us had let our other relationships go longer, or listened to reason, then we never would have gotten together. Even if we had gone our seperate ways instead of getting married, I always felt it would have been a shame for us never to have been in a relationship. I think for both of us this relationship has brought us to discover things about ourselves that we never knew, and I would be very different, even if only on the inside, If we had never been as close as we were (and still are). Part of us getting together, though, was our emotional determintation that kicked in once we both realised that we were both single, etc. We still could have failed to get together if there hadn't been some drive within us that said "we have to try this".

I look back at my life, and who I've become, and I see that I'm the product of a variety of experiences, some good some bad, many of which would never have happened if hadn't gotten off the couch or tried something new, or let things go despite meticulous mental objections (i constantly worried about being in another long distance relationship when Whitey and I got together), and I remember that life is a series of choices and the more you choose to get out and do, the better you'll be for it.

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