Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Dogs, Dogs everywhere...

Everyone in this town has a dog and most of them don't use leashes. It's odd to see a town full of people with dogs walking in front of them. Another frequent odd sight is neighbor dogs hanging out in your yard and walking across the street unhindered by a chain or fence. Most of the people here don't just have dogs, they have BIG dogs. They're not only walking around the neighborhood and in places you would expect to see dogs like parks and walking trails, but lots of people bring their dogs to work. I expect to see the occasional pet in a small, locally owned shop (which is pretty much every shop in town), but I'm more used to seeing cats. Today I went to an assisted living home and the director had her LARGE dog in her office with no leash or other hindering device. The person in the office next to her also had her LARGE dog there at work. This kind of makes sense because a lot of the residents there have their own dogs. But what took the cake today is that someone had their dog in walmart. Mind you, this was a small dog that stayed in the customers' arms and a family of at least three people who was keeping him at bay. Still... A dog in walmart?

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