Monday, July 4, 2005

I want their job!

OMG there are people at NASA who I am watching on TV who just crashed a rocket into a comet on purpose. How fucking cool is that? I'm ever greatful for nasa TV, because watching that was seriously kickass. Aside from the nifty ass pictures that came through 3 minutes after impact, it was so cool to see and hear all the workers on the team. You could tell they were having a blast. The guy narrating everything even said "I can't believe they pay us to have this much fun." There was celebration like I've never seen in a NASA control room when they confirmed the impact. It was really cool to see a control room full of people standing up and cheering. It was even cooler when you realized they were cheering because they crashed a rocket into something! I want to get paid to crash things! NASA crashed stuff! and got paid! and it will actually help us learn something! I freaking love it.

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