Monday, September 12, 2005

quick random update

Things are good. My mother-in-law was here last week and we had a blast. I actually took a day off and we went to bonner's ferry to walk around and then we went two miles outside of dragonla...err Canada to this seriously kickass waterfall. I had a client in crisis over the weekend and I had to take care of that a couple of times. It was no picnic, but it got me up to a good amount of hours considering I only worked half a day monday and not at all on thursday.
I found a kickass jacket thingy at the coldwater creek outlet store, but it was $30 and I don't pay more than $15 for much of anything related to clothing these days (God, I love thrift stores). Today, I spent a rediculous amount of money on a pair of boots and generally took it easy (I had about a 3 hour lunch today). Also, I had pie. Pie is good.

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