Friday, November 25, 2005


Let's see, what's happened in the last 10 days?
Well, our anniversary was on the 15th and we were both sick, so we did nothing, but I did get come cool faeries

Over the weekend, I made sesame chicken and wonton soup as an anniversary present to whitey. Most of you probably think that this is not a big deal, but we have no chinese restaurant worth eating at unless we go all the way to spokane, which is 1.5-2 hours. I am happy to say that the sesame chicken was as good as any i've had at any restaurant and the wontons tasted better than the ones that i've had from restaurants.
The extra fun part of that is that we had a wonton/egg roll extravaganza yesterday. I made jalapeno brie baked wontons, gorgonzola pear baked wontons, chicken cheese fajita fried eggrolls, and fried apple pie eggrolls for dinner yesterday. YUM YUM YUM!
Today I went to one of the assisted living homes that several of our clients live at for thanksgiving lunch. I am so glad I went; I had an absolute blast. Me and one of the clients giggled our way through lunch, which was fairly tasty considering it was basically cafeteria food.

We cooked turkey, mashed potatoes, stove top, gravy, carrots, and pillsbury biscuits. We went the easy route and ordered our pumpkin pie from panhandler pies here. Whitey dug some of our games out of the box and we played gloom and baloon cup today.
Baloon cup is one of my all time favorites for 2 players and gloom is pretty cool (we played for the first time today). There are some pretty mean cards in that game, and it's really funny in a mordbid sort of way. I'd definitely reccommend it.
Also, my husband says, "moo".

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