Monday, November 14, 2005

stupid sick!

The spiny anteaters that are in my husband's throat apparently had their cousins move in to my throat at 3 am. I woke up with an absolute burning in the back of my throat and said "GODDAMNIT!" So then I had to figure out a way to get drug interaction information at 3 am (praise jesus for 24 hour pharmacies). I would like to go back to bed because the spinyness seems to be calmed down between the water, milk and drugs, but I now face the problem that I need to be awake around 8:30 to call people to try to get someone to cover my caseload today. I was HOPING that if I was going to get sick, it would happen before 9 pm yesterday, so I could make arrangements to have my caseload covered before everyone gets up and at em on monday morning, but it ALWAYS happens that I get sick at the last damn minute. *grumble*. I'm actually not doing that bad and could probably manage myself at work at least for a little while. However, #1 I don't know that for certain #2 If I'm wrong I could make myself more sick and rediculously miserable and #3 Regardless of how I feel, I'm probably contagious, and the nature of my job makes it difficult for me to avoid getting others sick.

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