Monday, October 30, 2006


I should be packing, but oddly enough, I'm not.
Hurray for procrastinating!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

damn damn damn!

My girlfriend is going to be a biker babe for halloween and my mother-in-law is going to be here, so I won't be attending the party she'll be at. DAMN!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

General Update

We are getting closer to the move and I am getting closer to my last day at work. Friday will be my last day at the best job I've ever had.
I'm a little less glad to go now because the bosses did some damage control on the whole "letting a therapist go early" thing, and they couldn't tell us what happened, but they kind of implied enough that we figured it out. If what they're hinting at is correct, she had some of her clients sign a release to her new private practice and then proceeded to use our company equipment to copy our company files. Not quite the way you should do things.
It's not so much the issue of her stealing clients. There is some viability in the idea of the client maintaining the relationship with the therapist. They would have to start all over again learning to trust someone and telling them everything all over again.
So, the new boss dude said that maintaining a therapy relationship was a good thing, but the way described above was not the way to handle it. You should wait until you open the new practice, then get the person to sign documents, then ask the agency for files. Doing it the other way is.... well #1 it's doing work for your private business with agency equipment and #2 It's kind of like if one of our clients was transferring to a new agency and the workers from that agency just walked in our file room and started copying. Definitely not okay.
Assuming they're hinting at the right thing, I can understand why they might feel the need to terminate immediately as this is a huge ethics concern.
I also, don't care personally what she did, I want to see her again before I go. So, I decided to throw a party for her next week at my house. The difference between this idea and the idea that I had last week, is that my focus is on her and not both of us.... Although, the staff have decided that this is going to be the goodbye gathering for both of us. Works for me ;)
In other news, I have a promising lead for a job in birmingham that sounds like it's something I actually could be happy doing (amazingly) and pays well and has good benefits. It sounds like it's a program where I will be working to prevent disruption of families or to reunify families that has short term foster care built into the program in case the kids do need to come into care for a while. They said there is a big emphasis on short term foster care and on achieving permanency (be it in the home or in an adoptive home) as quickly as possible.
And finally, our son, the amazingest dog ever, has learned his newest trick: "crawl".
It'll be great in a couple of weeks when we get on the road and he forgets every trick he knows except "hide from the parents, refuse to do what they want because I hate new things, and possibly pee in inappropriate places". Moving a dog cross country is daunting. Moving a sillyhead who hates new things but likes anything he has a chance to warm up to is going to be an exercise in creativity and patience.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

People in crisis don't remember thier own names much less have enough energy to care about you.

I work with clients in crisis all the time. I help people understand their emotions and reason them out all the time. Somehow, I have no skills in this area when it comes to dealing with things related to myself.
It was pointed out that the previous post seems a little selfish given the current situation at work. I originally didn't quite understand why they were saying this because everyone else got a party so why shouldn't I. Note the title above. It is ridiculous for me to expect an office full of jaded depressed workers who are scrambling to salvage their careers to even give me a second thought, much less plan a party for me. It's not fucking fair that everyone else got a party and I don't... but it is. Everyone else's goodbye came at a time that everyone wanted and eneded comraderie. Right now, everyone just wants the hell out of there. I don't think anyone has friendships or social gatherings on their mind. As much as I don't like this, it's appropriate to the times.
The thing that was making me so worried about a party is the fact that I felt like I wouldn't be as significant as other people if I didn't have a party. This is, of course, a ridiculous notion.
The thing that isn't a ridiculous notion is that it's not fucking fair. This is one of those situations where life just isn't going to be fair, but there is nothing anyone can say that will make me like it. I am not going to get the same treatment as everyone else because there's so much turmoil going on that everyone else cannot deal with being happy for me. As a matter of fact, the staff probably resent me because I'm getting out and they're not. I hate this idea. I made a hard decision to go back somewhere that I didn't want to go so that my husband and I could stay sane and it happened to be at a time that was bad for the company, which made the decision all that much harder, and I am going to be resented for it.
I accept it; I understand it; But I don't like it.
There are only a few people in Sandpoint that I know well enough to know anything about other than their first name and this group of people represents the majority of them. I am being rejected by the closest thing I have to friends up here (other than my husband) for doing something I'd rather not do if there were another alternative and because they are in crisis. There's alos nothing I can do to help them through the crisis. Not to mention, they probably don't want to listen to me anyways since I am "deserting" them.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Anyone want to help me plan my own going away party?

So... all the turmoil from the previous post has led me to believe some things:
1. I don't know who we can trust in the administration
2. The staff is pissed and needs support
3. There's probably no way in hell in the middle of all this that anyone is going to think to throw me a going away party (everyone else got one goddamnit, why does it make it different because I happened to quit in the middle of turmoil)
4. The lead therapist didn't get a going away party either.

So the options I've come up with are:

1. Wait until someone else suggests the party
2. Mention to someone that I would like a party
3. Plan my own damn party, invite the lead therapist, exclude the director, the temporary director and administration, and tell everyone by word of mouth.
4. Plan my own damn party, invite everyone but not the lead therapist and spread the word with a flyer in the copy room
5. Plan my own damn party, invite the lead therapist and spread the word by a flyer in the copy room
6. not have a party

1. Isn't fucking happening.
2. Would seem pretentious and forceful, especially at a company where everyone's perceptions are probably off because we're all too mad to see straight.
3. Sounds really good right about now, but I could be excluding people who had nothing to do with the things I'm mad about and could be denying good people a chance to vent when they need it.
4. Seems the most friction free but also seems unfair to the lead therapist AND i think that the other staff owuld like to see her again. Like I said, we all loved her and also everyone probably wants a chance to find out what really happened.
5. Has the most potential for disaster but gets me all the things I want--a party, the therapist, and no sneakiness.
The potential for disaster is this:
- often when someone is asked to leave, it becomes evil to say thier name much less put it on a flyer. Doing so might have unforseen repercussions.
- administration may show up which would put a damper on the whole thing and discourage the therapist and other workers from bitching about work, which is, i think what some of the workers need to be able to do right now.
6. Damnit it's not fair, everyone else got one! Of course, in making that statement, I have to ask myself, is this about me or everyone else. Of course, it's about me. Usually goodbye parties are about everybody. The way to make this about everybody is to have it after work at a place where we can bitch (which has been the plan all along)--assuming they even want to do this. So, I guess the first thing I need to do is find out if anyone even wants to come to a party if I throw one for myself.
After that, which number should I pick? What do you guys think?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Titanic was a snail

One of the major reasons I keep saying I don't want to go back to alabama is that I love my job and will never find another one like it. I do love my job and I care about my clients and I probably will never find another job like it.

This job is the type of thing that only comes along once in a lifetime and is not a position that any other state funds, and as a result can only be found in in-patient settings affiliated with universities with lots of money. I'll never work another job like this one unless I'm back in idaho. THANK FUCKING CHRIST I'M LEAVING.

I have never seen a company tank so fast.
The director left about 6 months ago and the 2nd in charge ended up being as good or possibly better than he was. She left because the company sided in the interest of money and she felt very strongly that it was more important to follow regulations and to side on the interest of helping staff.
When she left, we requested an audience with the CEO (this is a for profit business, not non-profit). Who said yeah, we're sorry that you guys don't have a director yet, and we'll get someone as soon as possible. What else do you guys need to do your jobs." We said "another computer and some new tables." Within 2 days we had a desk with another computer on it and some new tables. We thought "okay, cool." We figured that we just had to talk to the right people and we would get what we need. So we recently had a meeting to talk with the dude who is helping all the offices get what they need and balancing it with the needs of the business. Every answer was pretty much "we're looking into it". Either that or saying that they would get us help in doing the things we have to do but don't get compensated for more efficiently.. instead of y'know actually saying they might entertain the idea of paying us for work.

So everyone else was a bit discouraged and I was frustrated for them, but I knew it wasn't going to be my problem anymore because I was leaving (they knew this too). Everytime someone turned in a resignation letter, the staff got a little more dismal and lots of people started saying they felt like they were "on a sinking ship". They were willing to hear the execs out but had little hope that anything would actually happen.
Today the execs just took dynamite to the hull of the boat. Our lead therapist, who everyone loves and looks up to because she's brilliant and sarcastic unorthodox and a damn good therapist, had turned in 3 weeks notice so she could start her own practice. Today she was told that she needed to leave by monday. She isn't allowed to do termination sessions with her clients. She just basically had to call them all and tell them... Some she was lucky enough to be able to see face to face for 5 minutes. Unless she touched a client innapropriately, there's no reason for this shit. Even if she leaked company secerets to someone or something, there's no reason to disallow her from having a termination session. Transition is hard for our clients even when done in an orderly manner. This is most certainly not orderly, and I can think of one client that is probably going to start self-destructing. When she self-destructs, who will the social workers have to turn to to figure out what to do? A therpaist who understands the clients illness and knows every trick in her boo---oh wait... A director who's been here 2 weeks and barely knows any of the clients.
I'm so glad I'm getting out of here.
I *hate* that I'm glad that I'm getting out of here, but it is SO time to be gone.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My husband is, once again, an asshole.

He is forcing me to leave sandpoint, and, therefore, my girlfriend. Just when she started wearing her hair down to teach class--DAMN!

Monday, October 2, 2006


Everyone blames wal-mart and corporations on people thinking about Christmas in September/October. Everyone complains when someone asks them what they want for Christmas in September and I even had someone tell me to ask for a calendar for Christmas since it's 2.5 months away and I asked for suggestions for people. I have ALWAYS bought Christmas presents in AUGUST and september. Yes, I said AUGUST. It's not about "oh my god wal-mart said I should buy things so, therefore I should!". It's about "oh my god, I am fucking poor and will not magically be rich before Christmas and can afford $30-$50 a month for 3 months but not $90-$150 all at once!" It's about "Oh my god, I have 12 people to give to and I hate to give shitty presents because I'm rushing to get shopping done!" It's about "oh my god, I make half my presents because I'm poor and because some of my family members like my handmade gifts more than anything I can buy them." So, when I ask what you want for Christmas in September, or I ask you for advice on what's coming out before Christmas that's worth buying, don't check my temperature, don't buy me a calendar and don't assume I have given in to corporate pressure to shop earlier and earlier. I don't like Christmas carols in every retail establishment for 2 months solid either. However, I do like making sure I have plenty of time to use my cretivity and resources to get you and the other people I care about good fucking presents.