Monday, June 12, 2006

The things people don't tell you about weight loss.

When you go to weight watcher's or talk about weight loss with anyone with half a brain, they tell you how great it is to feel thin and how nice it is to be down two pant sizes and how much healthier it is to not be waaaayy off the doctor's weight charts and how much more energy you have and how much your risk of disease is lowered, and how you can fit into clothes you haven't in 8 years. What they don't mention are the grief and loss issues. Yes, I said, "grief and loss". I know that I'm not the only person who has looked in the mirror and gone "who the hell is that? The person who was in that reflection a few months ago was attractive, I don't even know this person" I also am absolutely positive that I am not the only person who lets out a little sigh every time a cool item of clothing goes in the donation bin. Sure, it's great that I now need thinner clothes, but goddamnit I loved those dragon pants, and layne bryant doesn't make them anymore. And it's not just one item of clothing. I had tons and tons of stuff that I loved. Sure, some of it's getting replaced with stuff I love just as much, but some of it isn't and won't be for at least a while. How much sense does it make to buy something for $30-$50 if you know you're only going to wear it for a few months anyways? So, yeah maybe eventually I'll replace the dragon pants with something cool, but 1. it won't be the same and 2. for now I have one fancy pair of jeans (not as cool as the dragon pants)which is rapidly getting too big and 2 plain pairs.
As much as it is good that I need new things and am getting new clothes and a new body, I can't ignore the part of me that says "damnit, I liked those things." I don't like them enough to make myself unhealthy to have them, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly who the heck that person in the mirror is. She certainly doesn't look like me and she certainly doesn't wear my clothes.

I know i'm not the only person who feels this way, but no one talks about it because weight loss is such a positive thing and no one wants to jinx it by saying "damn, what's going on with my body and my clothes?". I'm not jinxing it; I will lose the weight, but I've certainly been saying "damn..." for the last month.

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