Thursday, December 13, 2007

Unbelievable conversation at work:

Cast of characters:
me - duh
Ramona- Coworker in the infant room. She's been there since before I have and we used to close together every day for a couple of months.
Lindsey- new coworker who's been there about six weeks. She teaches music and usually works with the threes and fours but is occasionally seen in just about every room in the center.

me: Hi Ramona, I got your candles in the gift drawing. thank you. Hi (i turn and wave at Lindsey)
Ramona: You're welcome
Lindsey: Hillary you are so sweet.
Me: Lindsey, You have the prettiest smile I've ever seen.
Lindsey: Let's leave our husbands and run away together. We can live in Idaho where you can spend all day dancing in the park and then I can sing you to sleep every night.
Me: I'll pack tonight.

...Okay so, that was how the conversation went somewhere in the multiverse.
Maybe in this dimension it went something more like:

me: Hi Ramona, I got your candles in the gift drawing. thank you. Hi (i turn and wave at Lindsey)
Ramona: What a coincidence! I got the ornament you brought! Wow!
Me: Oh wow. yeah.
Ramona: Do the candles smell pretty?
Me: Oh yeah, thank you! Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Have a good night.
Ramona: O.K. bye
Lindsey: Bye

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