Friday, May 26, 2006

let's see, what new things does ahboo know?

sit- he does this 90% of the time with no treat involved

stay- he's extremely good at this one and can even do wierd ass tricks where we walk around him, then go get a treat, then put it on the floor 6 inches in front of him, then stare at him and count to 30 in our head, most of the time (we might repeat ourselves once or twice if he looks antsy to go get the treat). He also is getting better with stopping dead if you tell him to stay when he's walking around.

down- he can do this one pretty well, but he usually needs visual and verbal prompts (we tap the floor with our foot or hand and say "down"). He acutally does this one 99% of the time with visual prompts, but only about like 30-40% with verbal only.

up- we use this right after down usually and he doesn't get it without visual prompts at all. We've been working on this one for a while, but "a while" is relative because he's only been here a month-- i've heard that it takes most dogs 2 weeks to a month to get tricks down pat. We only start working on "up" 7-14 days ago.

He's pretty fucking smart and we can get him to do alot of the tricks with visual only prompts which is interesting and kind of funny looking, but could prove useful especially during phone conversations when he decides my crotch smells like a daisy.

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