Saturday, April 29, 2006

the NIA awakening and other ramblings

NIA, or neuromuscular integrative action, is a fitness/health class that integrates 3 martial arts, 3 dance arts and 3 healing arts (like yoga... not like faith healing). NIA is all about moving for yourself, being in the moment , and being aware of your body sensations.

I have a serious awakening of body sensations when i go to class-- related to the instructor. If you saw her picture, you would probably think that there was nothing wrong with her, but also that nothing really stood out. She's not ugly by any means, but she's not the type of person that makes you go "whoah my god what a hot babe" like heather graham would. Nonetheless I have the same impure thoughts about her that I do heather Graham. Something about that young woman just really draws me to her. I can't help but watch her move and have a few interesting daydreams.

I guess I'm commenting on this because I find it odd that I'm actually so attracted to someone who isn't my type and because I find it odd that I am so completely okay with going to see and speak to someone (with no tripping over myself physically or verbally) every week. Usually if I find someone attractive, I don't compose myself too well. The first major tell tale sign that I was attracted to girls was that there was a girl in a bookstore I worked in when I was in college who had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen and I could not put a straight setence together to save my life. Yet, I hang around my NIA instructor twice a week and she inspires all kinds of interesting thoughts whether I invite them or not, and i'm completely comfortable with her.

For those of you not familiar with this side of me, yes, I am happily married to my awsome husband, and no, i don't want to cheat, and yes, I consider it cheating if someone who is bisexual and married decides to have a relationship with someone of the same gender. I am just very curious about women. Usually it's on a very base, physical level, and involves daydreams about incredibly hot women, which is also partly why this attraction is so interesting to me. It really makes you wonder how we are who we are sometimes.

Everyone kind of has rules of thumb that apply to them. When someone says "oh, Tom wouldn't do that", it's because his character is such that he generally only does certain things. But there's always exceptions to rules. I generally only like women who I think are incredibly hot, but I am drawn to my NIA teacher; my husband doesn't generally enjoy dancing, but he took a tango lesson with me on valentines last year and loved it; my mother was never into frilly things, but in the last year she has become the consummate girly girl and paints her nails and wears earrings on a regular basis; people who never act out against anyone end up assaulting people. IT's just so curious and so interesting that things are the way they are.

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