Tuesday, January 12, 2010

*Head Tilt*

My dog, when confronted with an idea with which he is unfamiliar but intrigued will tilt his head to one side. If you repeat yourself, he will tilt his head back the other way. This can continue all day.
"Ahboo, Unicycle!" *tilt right*
"Unicycle!" *tilt left*
"UUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuunicycle" *tilt right*
repeat until you are no longer amused by the cuteness or the dog hears someone rustling in the pantry.

So, this weekend I had to take my husband to the emergency room. It turned out to be minor, but it was scary nonetheless and he has been in a fair amount of pain since. Today, being the lovely wife and caregiver that I am, I brought home dinner. A sandwich and a cookie for him and a soup and a cookie for me. I spilled some of my soup in the microwave and did not clean it immediately. My husband went back to warm something up in the microwave and cleaned it but not without asking why i couldn't have done it myself as it took like 5 seconds for him to do it.
I responded by screaming something incoherent about him being an ass and that i didn't even know why I didn't do it because I was too stressed to have any thought processes. He asked why I was stressed and I said "you were in the hospital!" and he responded "That was two days ago, your stress should be gone"

*Head Tilt*

My stress does not go away unless I do something to make it.... ever. The idea that it can almost makes my brain hurt. Am I alone in this? Does most people's stress just disappear without anything specifically being done or do most people have to work for it like I do. Sure, I can relax a little and feel like I'm not falling apart, but unless there is something there to fix the stress, I am always a ticking time bomb waiting to scream over spilled soup or requests to fix typos...

In fact, I know you're counting grammatical errors in your head right now... FUCK YOU!

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