Sunday, June 29, 2008

An interesting twist

I'm not sure when or why Pixar switched from a company who makes cute, technologically advanced film about toys and super heroes to a company who makes gorgeous movies about dying Americana and the wastefulness of the human race, but I like it. WALL-E definitely featured the best animation I've ever seen in any application (a lot of it barely even looked rendered). The plot was cute, but not ridiculous, and it managed to tackle some major issues. All without any real dialogue for about an hour of the movie.... which actually really added to the charm and realism of the movie. Even if you don't like animated flicks, you should go see this one. Pixar movies usually entertain me from start to finish, but this one had me absolutely entranced. There were several spots where I was on the edge of my seat, and a few where I was misty-eyed... from a cartoon. They did an amazing job, and I hope it goes up for a few awards this year.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Vo0, why are you up at 1 in the morning, you may ask?
I'm making a cake. What else would I be doing? except maybe making jewelry or bitching up a storm, of course. I would show you pictures of the cake, but my mini usb cables are all hiding from me. That's okay, i want to take one more after we cut it anyways :)